
检查 十大正规网赌软件app for answers outside of the library on 金融援助, Technology, Academic Counseling, 或其他学生支援服务. 


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How can I borrow books or textbooks from the 图书馆?
  • 我借书需要什么? 学生需要学生证. You can get those from the Tech Mall (room E-121) 或在招生及记录(G-102).
  • 这本书我可以借多久? 书可以借三个星期. 的 loan may be renewed if no other student 请求他们. 联系借阅部续借图书.  
  • 图书馆有教科书吗? 的 library does have some textbooks that students can borrow in the Reserves section. 的 Reserve books can be checked out for 3 hours to the entire semester. 这些书 that do not check out for more than a day cannot leave the library. 接触循环 某本书的借阅时间.
  • 联络流通服务台 with additional questions at cuyamaca.circulation@gcccd.edu  or 
  • 用户名 名(点)姓是@students吗.gcccd.edu. 使用相同的用户名 的自助服务. Include any assigned numbers or special characters, some user名字s may not exceed @前20个字符.
  • 密码 defaults to your birthday in 6 digits (mmddyy). 密码可能已经过期,需要 待重置. 更多信息请点击这里: 登录帮助页面
  • You must be currently enrolled in this semester at Cuyamaca.
  • If you still get the error message, contact the 帮助台 (c-helpdesk@gcccd.Edu或619-660-4395).
What do I do if I am blocked by the EZProxy Administrator?
If you get an error message saying that you have been blocked from logging in by the EZProxy Administrator, you can email the librarians at c-helpdesk@gcccd.edu. Include your full 名字, student ID number, and the first part of the error message (这样我们就知道问题是什么了). We will work on getting the issue resolved as quickly 尽可能. Students located outside of the US and Mexico will be automatically blocked 直到他们得到豁免.
When logging into the Microsoft Single Sign On (databases, Office 365, WEPA printing), you may be prompted to download the Microsoft Authenticator App. 这个应用程序将会 a secondary authenticator when accessing certain college resources. 信息 设置应用程序可以在这里找到: 设置说明
我需要登入我的借书证吗? 我怎么登录呢?
  • 您可以登录到 我的图书证 to view all your library items that are borrowed, returned, overdue. 你也可以 see how long a Reserve item may be checked out when looking in the catalog (or can 与流通部核对借阅时间). 你不能申请/持有图书 using the 我的图书证, contact Circulation to place a hold. 它不会给你 access to electronic books or articles from the databases. 
  • 用户 名字 is first名字.last名字@students.gcccd.edu
  • 密码 defaults to your birthday in 6 digits (mmddyy). 密码可能已经过期,需要 待重置. 更多信息请点击这里: 登录帮助页面
I am taking a Math class and I need to borrow a calculator. 能给我一个吗??
  • 如果我需要计算器怎么办? 本学期? 或者只有一天?
    Calculators available for semester checkout will be made available for Cuyamaca的数学学生 通过彩票系统. We do have calculators available for a one day checkout 在图书馆开放时间也一样.
  • What do I need to sign up for the lottery or bring in person to get a calculator? 
    Your 名字, your student ID number, and proof of enrollment in a Cuyamaca math class is required.  Being on the BOG list is also required for the semester long loan. 附加屏幕 grab to the email request that shows which Cuyamaca math class you are in or for in person requests bring a print out or show in WebAdvisor/自助服务 or Canvas that 你正在用手机或笔记本电脑上课.
  • cuyamaca.circulation@gcccd.edu or (619) 660-4416
我可以借一台笔记本电脑吗? 或者Wi-Fi热点?

We do have a limited number of laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots that Cuyamaca students can 借一学期用. 的 Wi-FI hotspots will provide a separate internet service from your home service to use for school work. 学生需要问一个Cuyamaca faculty or staff member to fill out a request form for the current semester. 他们 可以在这里访问: 教职员服务

逾期材料的罚款是多少? 如果我有罚款怎么办? 

书籍——25美分 每日(最高$100) 

Magazine/Journals – 25¢ per day ($50 maximum) 


每小时预订- 1美元.每小时00元(最高100元) 

预订1天或以上- $3.每日00元(上限100元) 

馆际互借- $3.00 /天 

  • Students are blocked from administrative functions (registration, grades, drop/add classes) if they have any overdue materials or fines in any amount.  
  • 联络流通服务台 cuyamaca.circulation@gcccd.edu  or 

You can return all materials to the Circulation desk when the library is open. 笔记本电脑 and Internet hotspots must be returned to the Circulation desk.


Books and calculators can be returned at any time. 里面有一个下车口 木门右边的建筑. 这里还有一个投递箱 outside the library, just left of the main doors.

我可以在图书馆打印或扫描吗? 多少钱?

Printing is available on the second 地板上 of the library. 印刷资讯 可以在这里找到: 印刷指南. 向图书管理员寻求额外帮助. 

WEPA打印账号: http://www.wepanow.com/login -

用户名:  first名字.last名字@students.gcccd.edu 

密码= Defaults to your 6 digit date of birth (MMDDYY). 


扫描是免费的. 的re are two computers with scanners on the second 地板上 that can save the scanned documents to a flash drive, email, cloud storage, or printed. 的 print stations can also scan but scanned documents can only be printed or saved to 云存储.



  • 黑白单面:10分
  • 黑白双面:15分
  • 彩色单面:50美分
  • 彩色双面:75美分
Can I checkout or  download electronic books?

To download books from EBSCO, you will need to download the Adobe数字版 应用程序 first and then create a personal account with EBSCO. 电子图书 Gale do not require this 应用程序, it downloads as a PDF and only one chapter at a time.

链接直接下载 Adobe数字版 应用程序.


的re is an EBSCO移动应用程序 that connects you the library's One搜索. 你可以阅读 eBooks on this 应用程序, but it will not download them.

连结下载 EBSCO移动应用程序.


We have have seven study rooms on the second 地板上 and two Zoom rooms on the first 地板上. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. 学生可使用 Study Rooms for up to two hours at a time and renew the checkout if there is no other 等待使用房间的学生. 的 Zoom Rooms have no time limit right now. To checkout a room, please stop by circulation desk on the first 地板上. 学生证 card or knowing your student ID number is needed. If demand for the rooms is high enough, we may limit the use of the rooms to groups of two or more students and not for individual student use.


是的. On the first 地板上 there is an area where you can eat called the Coyote Corner. 的re is also some food from the Cuyamaca Cares Pantry available and a microwave. It is next to the stairs going up to the second 地板上, opposite of the Circulation 桌子上. Drinks in a spill proof container can go upstairs to main part of the library.


联络流通服务处  联络谘询处

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