
Traduccion诺拉   ترجمةإسبانية

Although you will need to develop new skills when teaching 在线 for the first time, 它仍在教学. Your first course will usually be "wanting," but the experience 每一门课程都变得更好. 沟通是最大的变化. 它可以 保持紧张和频繁. Contrary to expectation, you will often get to know your 在线 students much better than their on-site counterparts.



  • You become part teacher, part proctor, part technician, part designer/developer

  • Increased workload (excessive at first - later revisions require about 10% more work 而非F2F课程)
  • Amplified communication (with more student problems - both technical and personal)
  • Communication without body language, voice tone, facial expressions, though 在线 会议可以帮助解决这个问题
  • Greater time commitment - as students expect 24/7 contact (but the trade off is at-home 方便和灵活)


  • More independent, self-motivated, self-initiated learning
  • Become active learners (assuming responsibility for their own success)

  • 需要培养良好的时间管理技能
  • Less emphasis on attendance, more on performance


  • Visualization with a greater variety of techniques
  • 更被动——强调促进
  • Less giving of information, more guiding of learning
  • 更频繁和多样化的学生评估
  • Need to account for differences in student tech ability
  • Discovery of new types of content, new links for help
  • 用新方法解决老问题
  • 更多样化的人口


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  • 定义: Course is 100% asynchronous, no scheduled course 会议
  • 培训要求: Cuyamaca's 网上教学 Certificate or equivalent
  • 定义: Part of the course is asynchronous, and there are some scheduled course 会议 (无论是Zoom还是地面)
  • 培训要求: Cuyamaca's 网上教学 Certificate or equivalent

Hybrid or blended courses include both face-to-face components (such as lecture and office hours) and 在线 components (such as 在线 discussions, testing, and assignments). See the right sidebar for course type distinctions in our district. 混合型班级 typically reduces on-site class time by about half, so that a face-to-face M/W class would have an equivalent hybrid class meeting only one of those days (M or W) on campus - the remaining time would be spent with 在线 activities. 另一个例子是 be a science class where the lab is on-campus, but information and testing are presented 在线.


In fact, 在线 components should be available for every class. 至少所有的老师都是这样 现在就使用电子邮件. Using face-to-face components only is much too limiting for modern students and teachers - a mixture is much more effective. 是的,在网上增加更多 components can be more work (and bring on more headaches) at first, but it is also more convenient and adds more variety to the students' learning experience. 每一个老师 needs to find their own balance between the two formats.





(presenting information - lecture, projection systems, demonstrations)

Slide Presentations, Video 讲座s, podcasts, Blogs

(interaction with students - questions, personal applications, debates, explanations)






(either on paper, software program, or using Excel)






(meet in the classroom, library, or off-campus)





How one divides and mixes these activities (on-site versus 在线) depends on the 讲师或课程要求. For example, in a biology lab class, the lab could be on-campus while lecture could be 在线 via presentations - or lab could be 在线 通过模拟和讲座可以在校园进行. 有些人可能更喜欢讨论 the classroom, while others might find it works better 在线 in 在线 discussions. For those worried about security, testing could be done on-site with other components 在线. Yet, for others, the convenience of 在线 testing might be preferable.




Some instructors have found hybrid courses to be disappointing for the following reasons:

  • students sign up thinking a hybrid course will be easy (since it meets on-campus only 一天,而不是一周两天)或有




  • students seem to commit to the 在线 part or others to the face-to-face part, but 不是两者都要
  • students consider the 在线 components "homework" rather than half of the required class time (hence, any actual homework is considered excessive)
  • although preparation for a hybrid class might be less workload than preparation for an 在线 class, the teaching workload can be demanding since one is then managing both 在线 and lecture components without the benefits of either
  • 定义: Course is 100% synchronous, and instruction is delivered during scheduled Zoom class 会议
  • 培训要求: Cuyamaca's 网上教学 Certificate or equivalent
  • 定义: HyFlex类 are taught on campus at scheduled days and times like a traditional class.  不像 a traditional class, HyFlex teachers use Zoom to broadcast their live class session.  This means that student can CHOOSE whether to attend class on campus or via Zoom.  Some teachers require in-person attendance for some class sessions, so check with 指导老师的出勤要求.  
  • 培训要求: Cuyamaca's 网上教学 Certificate or equivalent AND HyFlex pedagogy training (一小时,带薪培训)
  • Instructions for using the HyFlex classroom equipment
  • Regular and Effective 联系 Webinar facilitated by Dr. 乔什·弗兰科和布里·布朗
  • Facilitating 组工作 on Zoom Webinar facilitated by Rachel Polakoski