Discipline Hearing Process



在纪律聆讯委员会举行聆讯的所有个案中, 行政管理人应在聆讯前不少于五(5)天准备及 personally deliver or mail written notice to the student. Notices sent to the last 地址可在学院的记录中找到,并存放在美国 邮件、邮资已付并要求回执的,视为已收到 received and read.


通知应载明聆讯的时间和地点,并载有聆讯的声明 the charges against the student. A copy of these procedures shall be enclosed. Notice 还应说明是否有临时禁止进入大学校园的情况 pursuant to California Penal Code Section 626.4. In the event the recommended sanction 包括暂停国家财政援助,这是《十大正规网赌软件app》规定的程序 Section 69811 shall be followed. Copies of such notice shall be sent to the student’s instructors and the District Public Safety Office.


Hearing Preparation

署长应负责为会议作出必要安排 Hearing. 安排应包括安排一个房间,提供录音机, 按照上述聆讯程序的规定,向学生发出通知,通知 纪律聆讯委员会成员,以及其他认为有需要的安排.


学生或管理员均可对纪律委员会的任何成员提出质疑 Hearing Committee for cause. Any challenge must be made in writing not later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing. Grounds for cause include any personal 在涉及违纪问题的情况下,有任何陈述 就争议事项作出的决定,或任何其他表明委员会 member would not act in a neutral manner. If a challenge is upheld, the College President 或指定人员必须从纪律处分中所述的名单中作出适当的替换 Hearing Committee.


在实际聆讯开始前,纪律聆讯委员会 成员应从行政官处收到这些程序的副本,闭门会议 session, and select a chairperson. If the committee members cannot reach mutual agreement 就主席而言,学院院长或指定人员应指定一名成员担任主席 as chairperson. 主席主持听证会,对所有问题作出裁决 of procedure. All rulings of the chairperson shall be final unless overruled by a majority of the committee.


Right to Representative. 学生可自行代表,也可由他人代表; 但他或她不得由律师代表,除非指控包括 根据加州法律,这些指控将构成刑事犯罪. In such 在这种情况下,学生必须向助理提供律师的姓名和地址 不迟于听证会日期前五(5)天通知学生事务主任


Conduct of the Hearing

Opening: 主席宣布会议秩序,介绍参加会议的人,并宣布会议结果 the purpose of the hearing.

Charges: 主席须将押记副本分发给委员会委员; 大声读出指控,并询问学生是否收到指控. 除向学生提供的具体费用外,不收取任何费用 《正规网赌软件推荐》和发出的正式信函中所述的会议 to the student

(described in the Hearing Procedure).


If the answer is in the affirmative, the hearing shall proceed. If the answer is in 如果是否定的,管理员可以提出证据反驳学生的否认 of notice. 是否继续听证,由主席决定. 必须改期的,应当在五(5)天内举行,除非 otherwise mutually agreed upon.


Plea: The student shall admit or deny each charge. If the student admits to each charge, 并且不愿提供证据证明有减轻罪责的情节或其他辩护 committee shall retire to make its decision. If the student denies any or all of the 提出指控,或者希望提出证据减轻情节的,应当进行听证 proceed.


Burdens of proof and of producing evidence: The Administrator has the burden of proving that each charge is true. The student 在署长确定有罪之前,应被视为无罪 by a preponderance of evidence. "Established by a preponderance of the evidence" means 署长必须使委员会相信这是很有可能的 that the charges are true. The Administrator has the initial burden of producing evidence to prove each charge. The Administrator must present the evidence in support of the 学生必须先提出指控,然后出示证据反驳行政主任的指控 evidence.


Arguments: 首先,管理员,然后是学生,应该有机会 make or waive an opening statement, i.e., give an outline of the charges and the facts to be proved. The student may reserve his or her opening statement until after the Administrator has finished presenting the case for the college. After the opening 陈述时,首先是管理员,然后是学生 提供证人和其他相关证据以支持所提出的案件.


Evidence: Formal rules of evidence shall not apply. All relevant evidence is admissible, including 但不限于证人证词,实物,警方报告,照片, 文件副本,证人签名和注明日期的声明显示无法获得 to attend the hearing.


Exclusion of Witnesses: Hearings shall be closed and confidential. Only persons participating in the hearing shall be present during the hearing. All witnesses shall be excluded except when testifying. 行政管理人员和学生都有权要求证人出庭 by the other. 委员会委员在获得认可后可随时提问 by the chairperson. Either side may recall a witness, who again may be questioned by both parties and the committee.


Conclusion: 首先,管理员,然后是学生,应该有机会 make or waive a closing argument. The committee shall retire to deliberate with only the members of the committee present. The Disciplinary Hearing Committee shall reach 其决定仅以听证记录为依据,不得审议事项 outside of that record.


Committee Decision: 听证后五(5)天内,主席应提交书面报告 就每项控罪提供具体的事实调查结果,并就以下事项提出建议 委员会以多数票向学院院长或院长作出的决定 designee. 认定事实的,应当在意见中列举哪些事实证据 of the committee, supported or failed to support each charge. The findings shall further 说明委员会认为哪项指控(如有)是有根据的. The recommendation(s) for action shall be specific.


Absence of the Student: 如果被指控的学生没有出现,并且对缺席没有令人满意的解释 是尽早做出决定,还是学生提前离开听证会 结论,听证会将在没有学生的情况下进行,委员会将 reach a decision based on the evidence presented.