

Disciplinary actions that may be imposed for violations of the Student Code of Conduct 包括以下内容:


警告: Written or oral notice to the student that continuation or repetition of misconduct may be causes for further disciplinary action.


训斥: Written censure for violation of specific regulations.


纪律试用期: Specific period of conditional participation in campus and academic affairs that may involve exclusion from designated privileges or extracurricular activities. If a student violates any condition of probation, or is charged a second time with a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct during the probationary period, it shall be grounds for revocation of the student’s probationary status and for further disciplinary action to be taken in accordance with these procedures.


Faculty Initiated Suspensions: A faculty member may remove, for good cause, any student from his or her class for 最多两(2)课时. The student shall not return to the class during the period of the removal without concurrence of the instructor. 这里没有任何东西可以阻止 the College President or designee from recommending further discipline in accordance with these procedures based on the facts that led to the removal. 用在这里 rule, "good cause" includes those offenses listed in the Student Code of Conduct. The faculty member shall immediately report the suspension to the respective Division Administrator and to the College President or designee. 如果学生是未成年人, the College President or designee shall schedule a conference with the student and the student’s parent or guardian regarding the suspension. 教员不是 obliged to provide makeup opportunities for class work missed during the two (2) class 暂停期间.


Suspension or Termination of 金融援助: In the event a student is suspended for willfully and knowingly disrupting the orderly operation of the campus, this action will result in ineligibility for State financial aid, as defined in Education Code Section 69813, for the period of suspension. (教育 法典第69810条).


短期暂停: Temporary exclusion from student status, or other privileges or activities, for a specified period of time, not to exceed ten (10) days (教育 Code Section 76031).


Immediate Interim Suspension: The College President may order immediate suspension of a student when he or she concludes that immediate interim suspension is required to protect lives or property and to ensure the maintenance of order. In cases where an immediate interim suspension has been ordered, the time limits contained in these procedures shall not apply, and all hearing rights, including the right to a formal hearing where a long-term suspension or expulsion is recommended, will be afforded to the student within ten (10) days, unless mutually agreed upon by the student and administrator that more time is required.


Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus: The College President or designee may notify any person as to whom there is a reasonable belief that the person has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus that consent to remain on campus has been withdrawn. If the person is on campus at the time, he or she must promptly leave or be escorted off campus by District Public 安全. If consent is withdrawn by the College President’s designee, a written report must be promptly made to the College President. The person from whom consent has been withdrawn may submit a written request for a hearing on the withdrawal within the 退出期限. The request shall be granted not later than seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the request. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with provisions of this procedure, relating to interim suspensions. 在任何情况下 consent be withdrawn for longer than fourteen (14) days from the date upon which consent 最初被撤回. Any person as to whom consent to remain on campus has been withdrawn who knowingly reenters the campus during the period in which consent has been withdrawn, except to come for a meeting or hearing, is subject to arrest. (加州 刑法第626条.4)


长期悬架: Temporary exclusion from student status, or other privileges or activities, for the remainder of the current semester.


Expulsion Subject to 复议: Permanent termination of student status, subject to reconsideration by the Board of Trustees after a specified length of time. 复议 may be requested in accordance with the procedure for 复议

(见 复议).


永久驱逐: Permanent termination of student status. There shall be no right of reconsideration of a permanent expulsion at any time. On its own motion, the Board of Trustees may reconsider such actions at any time.


赔偿: Appropriate restitution shall be sought from any student found guilty of theft, vandalism or willful destruction of District or College property.